A friendly welcome of your guests by our hostesses and hosts is the positive entrance to your event. They provide advice and assistance to you and your guests at any time. We pay particular interest to perfect manners, a high level of engagement, friendliness and a good reputation when we employ our hostesses and hosts. An attractive and neat appearance and good skills in at least one foreign language round up the qualification profile for those employees.

Our hostesses and hosts provide exactly those qualities which are important for events – whether it is for representative or communicative purposes, for competent information or personal service for your customers or visitors, or just for friendly catering of your guests.

Naturally, we also offer further services around your event:

  • Registration
  • Escort service
  • Cocktail or champagne reception
  • Information and trouble management
  • Promotion
  • Cloakroom service
  • Catering
  • Access control and guest management
  • Fair booth service
  • VIP service